Sunday, June 9, 2013


  Shortly after the protests in the morning,a brief  meeting was held between the residents of  Mariere Hall and the Hall manager concerning the price of goods in the hall and the hike in some of  the prices,the result of the meeting is yet to be unknown but one thing that is for sure is that the protest is not going to stop as the students have taken this opportunity to go round the campus and other halls of residence to also lay out their complaints and stop the hike in some goods..some shops,kiosks and even some of the supermarkets have been closed down by the students and the women can all do  nothing but  to  plead with the students to try and reason with them..the shop owners also had some complains to lay down as they said the school authority are the ones to be blamed for the unnecessary hike in price as there has also been hikes in the bills they pay to the school authority in the past years...we are still waiting to find out what the outcome of the meeting and the protests will be but we all are hoping that our voices will be heard and the matter resolved on time.

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